Wednesday, September 08, 2004

The Just War Theory

Again, I am here using writing as a blogger to see what the fuss is about. Let me see if writing about important things here helps. The war is deeply disturbing to me and to those around me. I am sure I/we are not that different than many places around the world. War is costly. It causes the gratest angst in people, due to the reality of death that accompanies it. As an American whose country is threatended by global terrorism , I really wanted to believe that Iraq posed a threat. I wanted to believe our president. I wanted a war that would make us more secure. I never really bought the WMD case or the case for harboring terrorists, Hussein was fighting them!! I simply thought that if we established a free Iraq that that would scare the bejesus out of the radical Muslims in the area and send a message to those governments that funded them. As a Catholic I wanted a just war and really thought we were fighting one. It took me a while but I finally read some doctrine on a just war (see The Just War Theory). After all the president who stood beside those guys in the ashes of the Twin Towers wouldn't lie to us would he? The guy who declared that the people who brought down the towers would soon hear from us wouldn't decieve us would he? I really wanted to believe him. Maybe I was niave . Now don't think I think of ourselves as occupiers or the insurgents are some glorious freedom fighters, they are not. They are cold blooded killers of non combatants and the military alike. And what exactly are they fighting FOR? I know what they are fighting AGAINST. They are fighting against us!! What did we do to them? We toppled a dictator who would kill his own people for political gain. Doesn't that count for something in their eyes? All we hear is about how much they hate us now. Now on the cost. Is 200+ billion dollars and 1000+ American lives cost too much for a beachhead of freedom and self goverment for the people of Iraq? History will judge that. All I can do is look at what the Church says about war in general and Iraq specifically ( see U.S. Catholic Bishops - Social Development & World Peace) . I really wanted it to work for the Iraqies and us but I fear not. So wha do we do now? We can't leave. The Iraqies deserve better than that. I also would feel better about the preseiednt's case for Iraq if Halliburton weren't making a boatload of money off Iraq. Will Kerry be better ? Don't know. But at least I can believe Halliburton won't be on the no bid list.

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