Tuesday, September 07, 2004

First Post

Ok, ok I finally did it. Not out of some great desire to let the world know about what I think or to somehow rid myself of some hidden deamons as I think some bloggers do. I did it because some of my author friends have done it and I was wondering what the fuss was.(I've been known to be late for a few parties in my life) I write software for a living , have a family and a busy schedule so I don't know how much time I will have for yet another activity. We'll see how it goes. For those of you still awake... here goes!!
As I said, I write software for a living, (Java specifically, hence the name), I am an unabused Catholic , a dysfunctional Red Sox fan (I swore at the end of last year they were out of my life, but I'm back this year begging forgiveness for being disloyal and saying how could I have ever doubted you!!***This feeling doubled after they won the series, but that was after this originally posted***), a father, husband and I am learning the piano. So you can expect (if I stay with this ) coverage of all these topics in some form or another plus others. Well, thats it, I can say I've blogged. Yahoo!!!

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